Wybrane ogłoszenia znalezione przez ATS Element

Element jest – według nas – najlepszym systemem rekrutacyjnym (ATS) w Polsce. Dlaczego? Przeczytaj poniżej. W ramach swojej funkcjonalności Job Monit wybrał dla naszej społeczności ogłoszenia o pracę dla doświadczonych managerów i executives w Polsce.


Prezes Zarządu @ Spółdzielnia mieszkaniowa “Szare Domy” / Warszawa 

Prezes Zarządu @ Spółdzielnia mieszkaniowa “Lokata” / Warszawa 

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Hidden Job Market – Remote Edition Y24W40

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

This week we’ve researched fully remote job ads for executives across Europe and have found 16 remote gems like the following:

  • [PL] Vice President of Infrastructure @ Appfire
  • [PL] Head of Enterprise Architecture @ Fortrea
  • [FR] Business Development Manager @ Inpeco

Here is the full list of remote job ads from Hidden Job Market:

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Does your CV land interviews? – with real examples

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Does your CV land interviews? – with real examples

Let’s face it: your current CV is the product of updating a file you started 10-20 years ago. While the format you used as an ambitious junior was great, it most probably doesn’t reflect your USP, your personal brand or executive presence.

And even if you decided to upgrade your resume by using a template, chances are, that you chose one that looks nice but isn’t really user-friendly – neither for humans nor for ATS.

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About Challenge Accepted Europe

About the initiative: we – Career Angels – have been providing a safe space for experienced managers and executives in this successful formula since April 2018. Due to CV-19, we adapted the format for the experience to be as effective and productive online, as it has been proven to be offline.

The underlying idea is to create a community for managers throughout Europe who have accepted the challenge of looking for a job (actively or passively), so that they can exchange their experiences, support each other through listening, words of encouragement, information and inspire each other.

The free online meetings are dedicated to specific career & job search topics and provide networking opportunities. Coming up:

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Hidden Job Market – Remote Edition Y24W39

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

This week we’ve researched fully remote job ads for executives across Europe and have found 13 remote gems like the following:

  • [DE] Sales Director Financial Services & Insurance (FSI) @ Genesys
  • [BE] Head of Regulatory Affairs EMEA @ Argenx
  • [CZ] Head of Brand Marketing Events (Brand Marketing Team) @ Semrush

Here is the full list of remote job ads from Hidden Job Market:

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Hidden Job Market – Remote Edition Y24W38

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

This week we’ve researched fully remote job ads for executives across Europe and have found 13 remote gems like the following:

  • [DE] Vice President of Global Sales @ Novanta Inc.
  • [DE] Vice President Procurement Consulting & Supplier Solutions DACH @ HRS Group
  • [DK] Regional Sales Director – DACH & Nordics @ Motorola Solutions

Here is the full list of remote job ads from Hidden Job Market:

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Hidden Job Market – Remote Edition Y24W37

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

This week we’ve researched fully remote job ads for executives across Europe and have found 12 remote gems like the following:

  • [PL] Program Manager – Technology Risk @ TMF Group
  • [PL] Senior Director, Procure to Pay, Global Procurement @ BeiGene
  • [DK] Director, Immunology European Medical Engagement Lead @ Bristol Myers Squibb

Here is the full list of remote job ads from Hidden Job Market:

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Contact decision makers directly – why LinkedIn doesn’t work (& what does)

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Contact decision makers directly – why LinkedIn doesn’t work (& what does)“.

LinkedIn is a great tool, but not the panaceum for everything, including contacting decision makers. That might seem counter-intuitive, especially considering how LinkedIn Premium promotes InMail and its efficiency. BUT: there are more effective ways of reaching out to those who have the power to hire you. If you are an executive, those decision makers can include:
– Private Equity / Investment Funds
– supervisory boards
– private & family owners
– HQ-based executives
– regional senior managers
– board members
… depending on your own level of seniority. Read more

Trapped in a recruitment process (case)

Trapped in a recruitment process (case)

Our team at Career Angels regularly receives messages from candidates who have lost all hopes of ever finding the right job, as their efforts seem to lead nowhere. Below we share one of many such e-mails with a similar sentiment (and our response) that we have received in the recent months.

Dear Career Angels,

I have been trying to change my job for quite some time. I am searching actively, but it seems to lead nowhere – the market has become very hermetic.

I have taken all the steps I could: contacting decision makers and my own network, personalizing my CV, using keywords, preparing the so-called cover e-mails – NO results. I always get either a negative response or no response at all.

It seems that LinkedIn is not useful for searches within my industry. Or perhaps it’s me who can’t present my skills in an effective way.

I have been trying to find a job for several years now, even though others usually find one after a few months. I decided it was pointless and gave up trying.

More than once, after sending a fully personalized CV to a decision maker, I ended up with my application getting lost in the ether. Sending a follow-up message yielded no results either – just another unfulfilled promise of getting back to me. With such experiences, I find it difficult to re-enter the job market holding my head high.

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Uwięzieni w procesie rekrutacyjnym (case)

Uwięzieni w procesie rekrutacyjnym (case)

Nasz zespół w Career Angels regularnie otrzymuje wiadomości od kandydatów, którzy stracili wiarę w to, że znajdą odpowiednią dla siebie pracę, ponieważ ich działania zdają się prowadzić donikąd. Poniżej dzielimy się jednym z wielu tego typu maili (i naszą odpowiedzią), które otrzymaliśmy w ciągu ostatnich miesięcy.

Drogie Career Angels,

od dłuższego czasu próbuję zmienić pracę. Jestem aktywny w poszukiwaniach, ale zdają się one do niczego nie prowadzić – rynek stał się bardzo hermetyczny.

Podjąłem wszystkie możliwe kroki: kontakt z osobami decyzyjnymi oraz z własną siecią kontaktów, personalizowanie CV, wykorzystywanie słów kluczowych, pisanie tzw. cover maili – ZERO rezultatów. Zawsze albo otrzymuję negatywną odpowiedź, albo nie otrzymuję jej wcale.

Wygląda na to, że LinkedIn nie sprzyja poszukiwaniom w mojej branży. Albo to ja nie potrafię przedstawić swoich umiejętności w efektywny sposób.

Już od kilku lat próbuję znaleźć pracę, mimo że inni znajdują ją zazwyczaj po kilku miesiącach. Uznałem, że bez sensu dalej się męczyć i dałem sobie spokój.

Już nieraz po wysłaniu w pełni spersonalizowanego CV do decydenta spotkałem się z sytuacją, w której moje zgłoszenie utknęło gdzieś w eterze. Wysłanie wiadomości z follow-upem też niczym nie zaowocowało – jedynie kolejną niespełnioną obietnicą powrotu do mojej sprawy. Mając takie doświadczenia, trudno mi wejść ponownie na rynek z głową do góry.

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