Czy jesteś igłą w stogu siana na LinkedIn?

Czy jesteś igłą w stogu siana na LinkedIn?

W dobie mediów społecznościowych nie sposób ignorować korzyści płynących z dbania o własny wizerunek w sieci. Dlatego też oczywiste powinno być, że posiadanie dobrze przygotowanego profilu na LinkedIn, platformie społecznościowej stworzonej w celu rozwijania karier, jest kluczowe, by odnieść sukces na dzisiejszym rynku pracy. Największą zaletą platformy jest to, że umożliwia ona:

  • strategiczne pozycjonowanie własnej osoby
  • budowanie spójnego i profesjonalnego wizerunku w sieci

… przy czym oba są istotnymi elementami poszukiwania pracy!

Chociaż pisaliśmy już obszernie o tym, jak w odpowiedni sposób stworzyć solidny profil na LinkedIn (kliknij tutaj!), jedno pytanie wciąż pozostaje bez odpowiedzi: „Jak to wygląda z perspektywy rekrutera?”. A tym samym: „Co mogę zrobić, aby mój doskonale skonstruowany profil był łatwy do znalezienia dla rekruterów?”.

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Are you a needle in a haystack on LinkedIn?

Are you a needle in a haystack on LinkedIn?

In the era of social media, the value of maintaining online presence should not be diminished. Therefore, it should also be clear that having a well-prepared profile on LinkedIn, an online platform designed for career development, is key to find success in today’s job market. The platform’s biggest strength is that it facilitates:

  • self-positioning strategically
  • building a consistent and professional online presence

… both of which are crucial factors in job seeking!

While we have already written extensively about the proper way of building a solid LinkedIn profile (Click here!), one question still remains unanswered: “How does it work from a recruiter’s point of view?”. And consequently, “What can I do to make my perfectly structured profile findable for recruiters?”.

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Jak stworzyć solidny profil na LinkedIn – krok po kroku

Jak stworzyć solidny profil na LinkedIn – krok po kroku

LinkedIn to żywy twór, który wciąż się przeobraża i aktualizuje swoje algorytmy… co oznacza, że musimy odpowiednio i regularnie dostosowywać do nich nasze porady. Poniżej nasze wskazówki i sugestie, jak stworzyć solidny profil na LinkedIn:

Zacznij offline

  • Zanim zaktualizujesz swój profil na LinkedIn, przygotuj jego szkic w edytorze tekstu.
  • Upewnić się, że opublikujesz trzykrotnie sprawdzoną, poprawioną, perfekcyjną wersję profilu.

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How to create a solid LinkedIn profile – step by step

How to create a solid LinkedIn profile – step by step

LinkedIn is a living organism that constantly changes its features and updates its algorithms… which means that we have to adjust our advice regularly and accordingly. Here are our recommendations and tips as to how to create a solid LinkedIn profile:

Start offline

  • Prepare your LinkedIn profile in a document file prior to uploading it.
  • Make sure it’s perfect, proofread and triple-checked before it goes live.

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LinkedIn User Personas – which one are you or your employees?

How do you or your team members behave on LinkedIn? Do you know what influence your activity has on other users and/or your professional goal?

Inspired by Jean-Luc Scherer, we have selected 11 types of LinkedIn user personas and added our own comments.

Knowledge miner: “…uses LinkedIn to learn, to share knowledge, to influence. Posts frequently and is highly engaged commenting other people’s content.”

Our comment: try LinkedIn Learning for interesting courses and videos. Some background info: it’s a website offering video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative and business skills. It’s a subsidiary of LinkedIn which was originally founded in 1995 by Lynda Weinman as before being acquired by LinkedIn in 2015. And then Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in December 2016.

Facebook immigrant: “…posts content that is visual. Uses little text and is very excited about the video feature.”

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P like Personal Branding

At Career Angels we keep writing about how important it is to keep up with the VUCA market. It concerns us, consultants, but also you, experienced managers and executives who are (more or less) active on the job market. The Career ABC is a way to stay atop of what we know about the current job market. It includes updated definitions, myth busters, KPIs.

The remaining letters of the Career ABC series:

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O like Online Presence

At Career Angels we keep writing about how important it is to keep up with the VUCA market. It concerns us, consultants, but also you, experienced managers and executives who are (more or less) active on the job market. The Career ABC is a way to stay atop of what we know about the current job market. It includes updated definitions, myth busters, KPIs.

The remaining letters of the Career ABC series:

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