Feelings of frustration while looking for a job – sounds familiar? Below you’ll find just one of many such frustration-ridden e-mails we have received in our journey of career & HR consultancy. The job search process can be frustrating, especially if you feel like everything is against you. It’s a typical example that resonates with many job seekers, so we’d like to share our response, hoping to ease some of your nerves.
Dear Career Angels,
I have already contacted 115 recruiters. I have sent them a contact request on LinkedIn, a LinkedIn message and an e-mail. I have sent messages to 30 personal contacts.
I have had only 15 “touch base” interviews, i.e. conversations during which I introduced myself, but still I haven’t been offered any position.
I have participated in 2 recruitment processes. I was rejected in 1. In the other one, I have already had 2 interviews and now I’m waiting for the feedback.
It turned out to be a difficult task. I will be away for holidays in August and I will start my job hunting again in September. I’m aware of my highs and lows but I worry about being too old as a candidate (I’m almost 50.)
I don’t know what else I can do.