6 video call blunders killing your leadership presence

6 video call blunders killing your leadership presence

6 video call blunders killing your leadership presence

In 2020, people all around the world, from the youngest school students to the most experienced company executives, were forced to adapt to a new work environment. Despite the gravity of the situation, it has made us aware of the value of working remotely. Even though we have mostly left those dark times in the past, this newfound appreciation for online communication remains, and with that come new challenges.

For the past few years, thousands of leaders across the globe have been trying to manage their teams remotely, and video conferencing has become standard in plenty of companies. Yet, many professionals continue to use this technology incorrectly, which needlessly diminishes their leadership presence.

To quote Avery Blank in a Forbes article (click here!), “If you want people to see you as a leader, you have to look like a leader.”

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Hack LinkedIn (& bots) for your job search

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Hack LinkedIn (& bots) for your job search“.

AI is expected to replace 16% of recruitment sector jobs before 2029. These and other numbers show that technology wants to play the first fiddle in today’s job market. 60-70% of job ads for executives are filtered through so-called ATS. 75% of CVs will never be seen by human eyes. But there are ways around this!

A senior candidate who wants to be successful in their job search has to embrace technology and all that comes with it. But it’s easy to get lost, especially for those who haven’t looked for a job in a while.

During this interactive meeting, we’ll explain how to identify, understand and correctly maneuver elements of technology, incl.:
Applicant Tracking Systems
– LinkedIn algorithm
AI interviews! Read more

Market Signals – Global Job Market Trends – April 2024 summarized!

Market Signals – Global Job Market Trends – April 2024 summarized!

Market Signals – Global Job Market Trends – April 2024 summarized!

We have been recording and comparing unemployment rates vs. the number of job ads published on LinkedIn since March 2020 – to fully understand how major events (pandemic, crisis, war) actually impact the job market.

So far we have:

  • gathered 17 850 data points
  • received over 500 insights from Executives & HR Directors
  • published 106 monthly reports, 851 daily updates & 13 special reports
  • tracked 80 countries around the world for 47 months!

In this presentation, you will find a summary of how the job markets of the 80 countries did in April 2024:

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Headhunt the headhunter for your job search!

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Headhunt the headhunter for your job search“.

Headhunters and Executive Search Consultants are often a mystery to experienced candidates – usually when it comes to understanding, “Why aren’t they more proactive in helping me? If I find a job, they make money!”.

During this interactive meeting, we’ll explain:

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Studia podyplomowe Career Advisory – po dziewiątym zjeździe

„Proszę opowiedzieć coś o sobie”, „Jaki jest Twój największy sukces?”, „Jak radzisz sobie ze stresującą sytuacją?”, „Jaka jest Twoja największa porażka? Czego Cię nauczyła?”, „Dlaczego akurat Ciebie mamy zatrudnić?”. Te standardowe pytania rekrutacyjne potrafią sprawić trudność niejednemu kandydatowi.

W dodatku większość spotkań odbywa się obecnie online i do przygotowania merytorycznego dochodzi również przygotowanie techniczne i wizualne, jak np. stabilne połączenie z Internetem, dobre światło, spokojna przestrzeń itd. Aż 90% kandydatów nie przygotowuje się przed rozmowami – idą na żywioł. Nie czytają na temat firmy, branży, a nawet treści ogłoszenia, na które aplikowali; nie wiedzą, kim jest osoba, z którą się spotykają. Podczas 9. zjazdu studiów podyplomowych Career Advisory omawialiśmy tematykę przygotowania klienta do różnych rodzajów rozmów kwalifikacyjnych.

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Uprzedzenia wobec *pewnych* kandydatów – porady, jak im sprostać!

Uprzedzenia wobec *pewnych* kandydatów – porady, jak im sprostać!

W dobie globalizacji i mieszania się kultur otrzymujemy dostęp do wielu wyjątkowych możliwości, ale stajemy też przed nieprzyjemnym faktem o nas samych – wszyscy mamy swoje (nie)świadome uprzedzenia. Chociaż wszyscy wolelibyśmy pracować z ludźmi, którzy są całkowicie nieuprzedzeni wobec naszej [narodowości / pochodzenia / koloru skóry / przekonań religijnych / orientacji seksualnej / niepełnosprawności / wieku], nie sposób zaprzeczyć istnieniu zarówno bezpośrednich (jawnych i świadomych), jak i pośrednich (automatycznych, niejednoznacznych i ambiwalentnych) uprzedzeń, stereotypów i dyskryminacji.

Aby zmaksymalizować swoje szanse na zdobycie wymarzonej pracy, jeśli wiesz, że należysz do grupy, która może być dyskryminowana na podstawie informacji zawartych w CV, powinieneś usunąć lub „przebranżowić” te informacje. Dlaczego i w jaki sposób?

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Career Decisions: Heart vs. Mind – who wins? And what can you do about it?

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Career Decisions: Heart vs. Mind – who wins? And what can you do about it?

How did you get to where you are career-wise today? How much was it by accident? How much was planned? Is there an underlying pattern that you follow subconsciously? And how come some change jobs often, some not at all, and some keep thinking about starting their own business? How come some are on clear executive tracks, while some struggle to get ahead – yet others don’t even desire a linear career path?

There’s a science behind that and over 40 years of research of over a million career paths that give us clear hints on how to think (and feel) about career – as a whole – and our own.

Don’t we all want a fulfilling career? But how do we get there? Read more

Studia podyplomowe Career Advisory – po siódmym zjeździe

Studia podyplomowe Career Advisory – po siódmym zjeździe

Studia podyplomowe Career Advisory – po siódmym zjeździe

Algorytmy, zautomatyzowane procesy rekrutacyjne, ATS-y i boty stanowią codzienność każdego kandydata na dynamicznie zmieniającym się rynku pracy. W tej rzeczywistości powinien dobrze się odnajdywać także profesjonalny Konsultant Kariery, który musi znać cyfrowe trendy oraz narzędzia, aby móc dobrze doradzać i prowadzić klienta w kierunku skutecznego osiągnięcia celu. Siódmy zjazd studiów podyplomowych Career Advisory był poświęcony przygotowaniu skutecznego CV pod ATS oraz wizerunkowi w sieci.

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Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fifth weekend

Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fifth weekend

Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fifth weekend

“I am looking for a job in an area where I have no experience. How long might such a process take?”, “I am looking for a job consistent with my experience, but outside my current industry. How can I stand out among candidates who know the industry?”. These are challenges that candidates often encounter in the dynamically changing job market. During 5th meeting of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies, the following issues were discussed: assessment of career goals in the context of market realities and dynamics, and services within the organization, including outplacement.

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Executive Job Market – how to generate interviews in 2024

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Executive Job Market – how to generate interviews in 2024”.

What’s your JHE – Job Hunting Efficiency? Are you making the most of all four job search channels? Approaching decision makers directly has been – to the surprise of many – one of the most effective job search channels. Preparing a perfect CV and a proper & complete LinkedIn profile is one thing. Knowing how to approach potential employers and headhunters to get invited to an interview is another.

During this interactive meeting, we’ll explain: Read more