Imposter syndrome – (un)healthy self-doubt during your job search

Imposter syndrome – (un)healthy self-doubt during your job search

Imagine the following scenario: you’ve been trying to get in shape for 10 months. 10 full months. And no results. You lost a couple of kilos / pounds some weeks ago, but gained them right back.

Similarly, imagine that you’ve been looking for a job for 10 months. Without results. And all the little success you’ve had always ultimately leads nowhere. In both cases, you might find yourself asking, “What’s wrong with me?

Here’s the answer: Nothing!

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The modern job market – what are the most important trends?

EN – The modern job market – what are the most important trends?

According to a report prepared by the World Economic Forum, “formulating effective re-training and up-skilling strategies for the next five years will be essential for maximizing business performance. […]. The number of jobs requiring creativity, innovation and empathy will increase, as will the demand for analytical thinking skills.” Moreover, “60% of workers will require training by 2027.

This phenomenon is both an opportunity and a threat for companies, depending on how quickly they manage to close the skill gap and manage current and new employees in terms of up-skilling or re-skilling or the recruitment itself. This is also both an opportunity and a threat for representatives of HR departments, recruiters and career advisors operating on the market. In order to be among the top experts, you have to be knowledgeable about the typology of employees in terms of commitment and competence development in order to design new career paths in the most effective way and adjust profiles accordingly.

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Executive identity & salary negotiations – the how to

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Executive identity & salary negotiations – the how to“.

Being aware of your personal brand and influencing it skillfully is the difference between “Who are you?” and “Thank you for being here” in your career. But it takes it even further: it’s the difference between the zeros on your paycheck. For many managers, salary negotiation is a difficult and sensitive subject. Even if you feel inclined to avoid it altogether, remember: employers expect negotiations. Therefore, you need to negotiate – and you need to do it effectively.

During this interactive meeting we’ll explain: Read more

Hidden Job Market – Remote Edition Y23W42

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

Remote Job ads for experienced managers & executives across Europe from Hidden Job Market by Career Angels.

This week we’ve researched fully remote job ads for executives across Europe and have found 16 remote gems like the following:

  • [FR] Director, Global Patient Safety International Office @ BeiGene
  • [PL] Technical Director Engine/Systems Frostbite – EU @ TLM Partners
  • [EU] Business Development Director Industrial – EUROPE @ Caldic

Here is the full list of remote job ads from Hidden Job Market:

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Career Consultant (remote)

Career Angels is a European career consulting boutique that has been providing tailor-made services since 2010: for individuals (career management & job search support), for companies (outplacement services, HR consulting services), and for business schools (consultations, lectures). We are often called innovative or pioneering for how we work internally and with our clients. Does that sound like something that you’d like to be a part of? Fantastic! We are currently looking for a

Career Consultant (remote) Read more

Strategic interviewing for executives – with real case!

Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Strategic interviewing for executives“.

How good are you at interviewing? Do you rely on your years of experience / charisma? How many interviews lead to next rounds, shortlists and/or job offers? If you are an experienced manager or executive, the standard interviewing techniques are “not enough” to be effective.

Some truths:
– Interviewing others requires different skills than being interviewed!
– Some recruiters might take the extra time to speak with you, not because you are a great candidate, but because they see you as a potential client! Knowing how to navigate that is important.
– Most recruiters will NOT share details about the recruitment processes they wanted to invite you to if they are not convinced that you fit within 10-15 min of the conversation. So you might end up thinking: “that really was just a “get-to-know” interview” – when in reality it was not. You simply didn’t pass through the filter.

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Market Signals – Global Job Market Trends – August 2023 summarized!

Market Signals – Global Job Market Trends – August 2023 summarized!

Market Signals – Global Job Market Trends – August 2023 summarized!

We have been recording and comparing unemployment rates vs. the number of job ads published on LinkedIn since March 2020 – to fully understand how major events (pandemic, crisis, war) actually impact the job market.

So far we have:
– gathered 14 826 data points
– received over 500 insights from Executives & HR Directors
– published 98 monthly reports, 696 daily updates & 13 special reports
– tracked 80 countries around the world for 39 months!

In this presentation, you will find a summary of how the job markets of the 80 countries did in August 2023:

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Career Consultant (remote)

Career Angels is a European career consulting boutique that has been providing tailor-made services since 2010: for individuals (career management & job search support), for companies (outplacement services, HR consulting services), and for business schools (consultations, lectures). We are often called innovative or pioneering for how we work internally and with our clients. Does that sound like something that you’d like to be a part of? Fantastic! We are currently looking for a

Career Consultant (remote) Read more

Career Consultant (remote)

Career Angels is a European career consulting boutique that has been providing tailor-made services since 2010: for individuals (career management & job search support), for companies (outplacement services, HR consulting services), for business schools (consultations, lectures). We are often called innovative or pioneering for how we work internally and with our clients. Does that sound like something that you’d like to be a part of? Fantastic! We are currently looking for a

Career Consultant (remote) Read more

Career Advisory – refleksje po 2. edycji studiów podyplomowych

Career Advisory – refleksje po 2. edycji studiów podyplomowych

Career Advisory – refleksje po 2. edycji studiów podyplomowych

„Career Advisory – bardzo wymagająca profesja”, „Nie spodziewałam się takiego ogromu wiedzy”, „Rynek nie ma świadomości, co kryje się za doradztwem kariery”, „Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy z tak dużej potrzeby śledzenia trendów rynku pracy”… To tylko kilka cytatów – refleksji studentów (już teraz absolwentów) po 2. edycji studiów podyplomowych.

Jesienią 2022 roku podjęli oni wyzwanie:
11 intensywnych zjazdów – 22 dni, czyli 176 godzin wykładowych
66 stron prac zaliczeniowych
103 case’ów klientów, które zostały omówione
1 projektu grupowego, w tym prezentacji
analizy 13 najpopularniejszych testów / narzędzi dostępnych na rynku dla kandydatów / pracowników
ponad 50 (!) ćwiczeń praktycznych (indywidualnych, w parach i grupach)
wsparcia średnio 2-3 klientów równolegle do ich pracy w pełnym wymiarze godzin i obciążenia nauką, z których większość z powodzeniem znalazła nową pracę lub awansowała
licznych dyskusji grupowych
45 losowo wybranych pytań z puli ~70 podczas egzaminu pisemnego
1 egzaminu ustnego

W mgnieniu oka zostali absolwentami 2. roku i dziś dzielą się z nami swoimi wnioskami, refleksjami oraz tym, co ich zaskoczyło. Jeśli chcesz poznać bliżej naszych studentów, przeczytać o ich profilach oraz pierwszych refleksjach ze studiów, zapoznaj się z pierwszym postem z tej serii.

(tl;dr: „średni staż pracy to 13 lat / 85% z nich „wylądowało” w szeroko rozumianym twardym i miękkim HR na stanowiskach i/lub rolach takich, jak: coach, HR Manager, HR BP, Psycholog HR, koordynator rekrutacji)

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