Best of 2020: Your Company Page on LinkedIn – 8 tips

This tip series was prepared with the following professionals in mind:

  • HR professionals who want to ensure that their prospective candidates will find the necessary info on their company on LinkedIn; it’ll help you in talking with your marketing departments to create beautiful and effective employer branding materials!
  • Independent consultants, especially for executives turned freelancers (often out of necessity as they are in-between jobs) – to help them improve their branding and first impression on LinkedIn
  • anybody else who’s interested in the subject!

Tip #1: Complete all details: Having a complete and searchable (or shall we say “easily findable”) LinkedIn company page is important for your employer branding strategy or for independent consultants who want to make a good first impression!

Tip #2: Grow your audience: Even if you are not in marketing, growing an audience, YOUR audience (e.g. to attract candidates or potential consulting projects) can be important – and knowing how to do that even more!

Tip #3: Attract with visuals: According to LinkedIn, using pictures results in a 2x higher comment rate.

Tip #4: Engage your people: By tapping into your employees’ networks, you will be able to reach a much wider audience without having to look for new engagement from scratch.

Tip #5: Create unique content: According to LinkedIn, infographics are 300 percent more likely to get shared than other content.

Tip #6: Schedule & analyze: Find out how to create a routine for your posting and analyze your activity to get even more engagement and maximum traffic.

Tip #7: Engage in conversations: Discover how joining the groups and reaching out to new audiences can highlight your company page and attract even more new followers.

Tip #8: Explore the LinkedIn ecosystem: How do you reach specific target groups using different LinkedIn tools, incl. Showcase pages, Career Pages and LinkedIn Ads?

Would you like Career Angels to help you make the most out of your LinkedIn company page? Or discuss the overall online presence of your executive team & employees? How you match against your competitors? Send us an email to Subject: Company Page / Top 10.