Company Page on LinkedIn: Explore the LinkedIn ecosystem (Tip #8)

Tips 1-7 covered the most important aspects of running a Company Page. But that’s not where the journey ends. You’re now ready to expand and explore the LinkedIn ecosystem and all it has to offer. You can add specialized pages to highlight specific parts of your business.

If you want to share specialized content with a specific target audience, create a Showcase page. You can highlight a portion of your posts to make sure it reaches exactly who you want it to reach.
Want to advertise your company among potential employees? Use LinkedIn’s Career Pages. You can tailor the page to showcase your company’s values, mission, and culture. You can also use it to broadcast job openings.

If you’re up for it, you can also make use of LinkedIn’s paid services. LinkedIn Ads lets you collect quality leads and helps you reach even more professionals in the LinkedIn feed.

– This tip series was prepared with the following professionals in mind:
HR professionals who want to ensure that their prospective candidates will find the necessary info on their company on LinkedIn; it’ll help you in talking with your marketing departments to create beautiful and effective employer branding materials!
Independent consultants, especially for executives turned freelancers (often out of necessity as they are in-between jobs) – to help them improve their branding and first impression on LinkedIn
• anybody else who’s interested in the subject!

The previous tips from this series:
#1: Complete all details
#2: Grow your audience
#3: Attract with visuals
#4: Engage your people
#5: Create unique content
#6: Schedule & analyze 
#7: Engage in conversations

Would you like Career Angels to help you make the most out of your LinkedIn company page? Or discuss the overall online presence of your executive team & employees? How you match against your competitors? Send us an email to Subject: Company Page / LinkedIn.

This article was first published on November 23, 2020 on WU Executive Academy News.