#5: Create unique content
How do you make your content interesting and readable? Worry not, we’ve got you covered!
It may seem obvious, but you’ll have to make sure that your content is original and engaging. Even if you’re re-working something someone has said before, make sure to put your own spin on it.
Spark a conversation, make people compelled to engage with your content, and make sure that they do not regret clicking that follow button. Ask a thought-provoking question or run a contest. Make your audience thirsty for more. And answer all comments to make your followers feel that they really are interacting with you.
To make sure that your content is always relevant, use the Content Suggestions tool. Here you can discover topics and articles that are trending with your target audience.
Showcase what makes your brand unique. Let your followers get to know your brand, and not only from the business side of things – don’t be afraid to write about your values, goals and mission. Highlight your employees to show the faces behind the brand. And don’t stop at pictures and videos – upload PDFs or PowerPoints to make your posts truly stand out.
One more thing: infographics! According to LinkedIn, they’re 300 percent more likely to get shared than other content. Don’t forget to label the infographic clearly with your LinkedIn page as the source, in case it travels outside the platform.
– This tip series was prepared with the following professionals in mind:
- HR professionals who want to ensure that their prospective candidates will find the necessary info on their company on LinkedIn; it’ll help you in talking with your marketing departments to create beautiful and effective employer branding materials!
- Independent consultants, especially for executives turned freelancers (often out of necessity as they are in-between jobs) – to help them improve their branding and first impression on LinkedIn
- anybody else who’s interested in the subject!
The previous tips from this series:
#1: Complete all details
#2: Grow your audience
#3: Attract with visuals
#4: Engage your people
Would you like Career Angels to help you make the most out of your LinkedIn company page? Or discuss the overall online presence of your executive team & employees? How you match against your competitors? Send us an email to Bichl.Sandra (at) CareerAngels.eu. Subject: Company Page / LinkedIn.
This article was first published on November 2, 2020 on WU Executive Academy News.