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Program: 25+ lat doświadczenia
Masz ponad 25 lat doświadczenia zawodowego? Szukasz pracy? Spędzasz godziny, dni, tygodnie na przeglądaniu ogłoszeń o pracę, wysyłając dziesiątki, a nawet setki CV i… nie dostajesz żadnej odpowiedzi? Wydaje Ci się, że robisz wszystko, co tylko możliwe, ale nadal nie możesz znaleźć zatrudnienia? Zdarza Ci się usłyszeć (pomiędzy wierszami lub wprost): „Pańskie doświadczenie jest imponujące, ale wiek już nie ten”? Jeśli Twoja odpowiedź na powyższe pytania brzmi „tak”, to ten program został stworzony właśnie dla Ciebie!
Szukamy 5 osób, którym od co najmniej 9 miesięcy nie udaje się znaleźć pracy, aby zaoferować im ***BEZPŁATNE*** wsparcie (w trybie 1:1) w skutecznym poszukiwaniu pracy.
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Do you want to enhance your career? Learn how to identify, understand and correctly maneuver elements of technology in the recruitment process? Improve team culture? Have access to the know-how of Career Angels? Learn about the latest trends? Data? Methodology? Read this blog post to see where and when you can join one of our many lectures, webinars, podcasts, live events, training sessions and alike!
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Join us this week! Career Angels’ event calendar
Do you want to enhance your career? Learn how to effectively and consciously build your personal brand as a manager? Improve team culture? Have access to the know-how of Career Angels? Learn about the latest trends? Data? Methodology? Read this blog post to see where and when you can join one of our many lectures, webinars, podcasts, live events, training sessions and alike!
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Studia podyplomowe Career Advisory – po dziesiątym zjeździe
Co pojawia się w Google, gdy wpisujesz swoje imię i nazwisko? Niezależnie od tego, czy zdajesz sobie z tego sprawę, czy nie – masz swoją markę osobistą. Pytanie brzmi: czy dostaniesz drugą szansę na pierwsze wrażenie? Dodatkowo, zapytaj siebie: czy chcesz pozwolić, aby Twoja reputacja w sieci zaczęła żyć własnym życiem? Czy jednak warto kontrolować narrację? Wraz z rozpowszechnieniem się mediów społecznościowych i rozwojem technologii, niezwykle ważne jest to, aby przyjąć strategię budowy marki osobistej – Personal Branding jeszcze nigdy nie był tak istotny. Jak w takim razie świadomie budować Personal Branding? Na to pytanie odpowiedziały Anna Zadrożna i Anna Mady podczas 10. zjazdu studiów podyplomowych Career Advisory.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the tenth weekend
What shows up in Google when you type in your name? Whether you are aware of it or not – you have your own personal brand. The question is: do you get a second chance at a first impression? Additionally, ask yourself: do you want your online reputation to live life of its own? Or maybe it’s worth controlling the narrative? With the proliferation of social media and the development of technology, it is extremely important to adopt a personal branding strategy – Personal Branding has never been so important. But how do you build it consciously? This question was answered by Anna Zadrożna and Anna Mady during the tenth weekend of Career Advisory postgraduate studies.
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Do you want to enhance your career? Understand how to make the most of every single conversation you have with headhunters? Improve team culture? Have access to the know-how of Career Angels? Learn about the latest trends? Data? Methodology? Read this blog post to see where and when you can join one of our many lectures, webinars, podcasts, live events, training sessions and alike!
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Join us this week! Career Angels’ event calendar
Do you want to enhance your career? Understand the role of a headhunter in the recruitment processes (incl. how & when they are compensated)? Improve team culture? Have access to the know-how of Career Angels? Learn about the latest trends? Data? Methodology? Read this blog post to see where and when you can join one of our many lectures, webinars, podcasts, live events, training sessions and alike!
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Join us this week! Career Angels’ event calendar
Do you want to enhance your career? Know how to fine-tune your LinkedIn profile to be found at the research stage? Improve team culture? Have access to the know-how of Career Angels? Learn about the latest trends? Data? Methodology? Read this blog post to see where and when you can join one of our many lectures, webinars, podcasts, live events, training sessions and alike!
This month:
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the ninth weekend
“Please tell us something about yourself”, “What is your greatest success?”, “How do you handle a stressful situation?”, “What is your biggest failure? What did you learn from it?”, “Why should we hire you?”. These are standard recruitment questions that can be difficult to answer.
Additionally, nowadays, most of the interviews take place online and besides preparing the content, candidates have to prepare the visual part as well – i.e. they need to have a stable Internet connection, good lighting, quiet space, etc. Up to 90% of candidates do not prepare beforehand – they just go with the flow. They don’t read about the company or industry, nor even the content of the job ad they applied to; they don’t know who the person they are meeting is.
During the 9th weekend of our postgraduate studies, Career Advisory, we discussed preparing the client for various types of job interviews.