HR trends and their threats: smartphonization, LinkedIn, ESG

Currently, nearly half of the candidates are “mobile candidates”. Therefore, companies that do not want to miss out on them, must adapt accordingly.

According to the Global Monster Report published in 2022 and data provided by and

  • 45% of active candidates have applied to a job on their mobile devices.
  • 55% of people aged 35 to 44 have used mobile devices to apply for jobs.
  • 87% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn.
  • Employees sourced through the site are 40% less likely to leave the company within the first 6 months.
  • 122 million people received an interview through LinkedIn with 35.5 million having been hired by a person they connected with on the site.

If you want to know more about the threats related to this trend, check out our slides:

Are you wondering how to implement these solutions in your company? Get in touch via email: and book a free consultation!

PS. Make sure you haven’t missed our posts about the other trends that are part of the employee life cycle called “Attracting Candidates“: employer branding and chatbots.

Trendy HR, w tym zagrożenia: Chatboty

Coraz więcej firm decyduje się na wykorzystanie AI i automatyzacji w swoich procesach rekrutacyjnych. Dobry przykład tego zjawiska stanowią chatboty.

Ogólnie o chabotach:

  • Według IBM, mogą one pomóc firmom zmniejszyć koszty obsługi klienta nawet do 30%.
  • Szacuje się, że do 2024 r. globalny rynek chatbotów osiągnie ponad 994 mln USD.

Jeśli chcesz poznać więcej zagrożeń wynikających z tego trendu, przejrzyj nasze slajdy:

Zastanawiasz się, jak wprowadzić te rozwiązania w Twojej firmie? Wyślij maila na adres: i umów się na bezpłatną konsultację!

HR trends and their threats: Chatbots

More and more companies are choosing to use AI and automation in their recruitment processes. Chatbots are a good example of this phenomenon.

About chatbots in general. It was estimated that chatbots:
• According to IBM, they can help businesses reduce their customer service costs by as much as 30%.
• It is thought that the global chatbot market will reach over $994 million by 2024.

If you want to know more about the threats related to this trend, check out our presentation:

Are you wondering how to implement these solutions in your company? Get in touch via email: and book a free consultation!

Trendy HR, w tym zagrożenia: Employer Branding

Według badań Employer Branding to obecnie jeden z największych priorytetów dla firm.

Według raportu opublikowanego przez HRM Institute w 2020 roku:

  • Employer Branding to jeden z najważniejszych priorytetów dla 30% firm.
  • 52% firm twierdzi, że EB jest ważny, ale nie priorytetowy.
  • O 10% więcej firm wdrożyło strategię budowania marki pracodawcy.
  • 47% firm ma na to mniejszy budżet, 5% firm nie ma na to żadnego budżetu.
  • W czasach CV-19 coraz więcej firm decyduje się skoncentrować się na wewnętrznym brandingu pracodawcy i komunikacji zamiast na działaniach zewnętrznych.

Jeśli chcesz poznać więcej zagrożeń wynikających z tego trendu, przejrzyj nasze slajdy:

Zastanawiasz się, jak wprowadzić te lub podobne rozwiązania w Twojej firmie? Wyślij maila na adres: i umów się na bezpłatną konsultację!

HR trends and their threats: Employer Branding

According to research, Employer Branding is one of the top priorities for many companies.

A report published by HRM Institute back in 2020 showed that:

  • Employer branding is one of the most important priorities for 30% of companies.
  • 52% of companies say that EB is important, but not a priority.
  • +10% more companies have implemented employer branding strategy.
  • 47% of companies have smaller budget for it, 5% of companies have no budget for it at all.
  • In times of CV-19, more companies decided to focus on internal employer branding and communication instead of external activities.

If you want to learn about other threats related to this trend, look through the slides below:

HR trends and their threats: Employer Branding from Career Angels

Are you wondering how to implement these solutions in your company? Get in touch via email: and book a free consultation!

The Goal of the CV – detailed summary (video)

The Goal of the CV – detailed summary video

In this short video, you’ll see a sneak peek ofThe Goal of the CVdetailed summary”. This video was recorded during one of the 16 webinars we produced earlier this year that attracted over 1000 participants from all over the world who have spontaneously sent us feedback like this one: “I got invited for an interview […] and the recruiter asked me for my CV, therefore I sent the one I had prepared based on Open Webinars. During the interview, I was answering questions using the STAR method. Then I got invited for the second interview […]. I do believe that recruiters have a better first impression once reading my tidy, improved CV. A big thank you to Career Angels for providing such useful tips!.” (Financial Controller)

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Career Management Theory with examples (video)

Career Management Theory with examples

In this short video, you’ll see a sneak peek ofCareer Management Theory”. We would like to share with you how and why people manage their careers. It was recorded during one of the 16 webinars we produced earlier this year that attracted over 1000 participants from all over the world who have spontaneously expressed that our webinars are “[the content] present huge and very valuable knowledge. You are a phenomenal company and I’m more than happy that I was given a chance of participating in the course. I recommend them to all my friends looking for a job.” (Senior Business Manager)

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Free Materials: How to prepare a CV (also for ATS), LinkedIn Profile

Approx. 1000 participants from all over the world who have spontaneously expressed that our webinars are “the best they’ve seen currently being offered for professionals / managers / executives looking for a job or trying to stay in control of their careers”.

From April 14 to June 10, 2020 we conducted 2 editions of 4-module Open Webinars on job search & career management where we shared over 32h of practical tips & know-how. And although the Open Webinars initiative has come to an end, we’ve decided to keep the content available – completely free of charge!

The four online sessions will guide you through the job search process step-by-step.

Module 2: How to prepare a CV (also for ATS), LinkedIn Profile
Speaker: Sandra Bichl
We’ll show you how to prepare the basic tools of your job search:
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Free Materials: How to set a realistic goal & how to position yourself

From April 14 to June 10, 2020 we conducted 2 editions of 4-module Open Webinars on job search & career management where we shared over 32h of practical tips & know-how.

Both editions have attracted approx. 1000 participants from all over the world who have spontaneously expressed that our webinars are “the best they’ve seen currently being offered for professionals / managers / executives looking for a job or trying to stay in control of their careers”.

And although the Open Webinars initiative has come to an end, we’ve decided to keep the content available – completely free of charge!

The four online sessions will guide you through the job search process step-by-step.

Module 1: How to set a realistic goal & how to position yourself
Speaker: Sandra Bichl
Topic: How to set a realistic job search goal and how to position yourself as a candidate on an unstable employer’s market:
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Best 5 videos on Career & Job Search

If you are not into reading but prefer your content in video form – this is definitely for you. For all others, read the transcript. With all the content on the www, it’s difficult to find the really good stuff. If you are just a little bit as busy as us, we always wonder, “Will it be worth our time?”.

These 5 videos – assuming that you are career-aware and are (thinking about) looking for a job – are worth it. In order of viewing:

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