Did you know that, according to a World Economic Forum’s 2023 report, employers estimate that 44% of workers’ skills will be disrupted in the next five years? This is not surprising, given the rapid development of technology and constant changes on the job market. What’s more, six in ten workers will require training before 2027, but only half of them are seen to have access to adequate training opportunities today. With jobs evolving and technology playing a big role, staying flexible and continuously learning isn’t just a smart addition; it’s necessary for personal growth and staying relevant in a job market that’s always changing. This is especially important since the skills that companies report to be increasing in importance the fastest are not always reflected in corporate upskilling strategies.
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Career Advisory in Practice: Summary of the Postgraduate Studies
Our “Career Advisory” students have graduated in a flash! Here’s what they (and we) had to do to finish their degrees:
- 11 intensive weekends (which are, to be more precise, 22 lecture days or 176 lecture hours)
- 3 written exams, during which they answered 15 multiple choice questions and 3 short answer questions
- 1 oral exam
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the eleventh meeting
ATS, smartphonization, chatbots, employer branding, upskilling – these are just a few of the trends emerging on the market that may be an opportunity, but also a threat to HR departments, recruiters or Career Consultants. They must stay up-to-date to manage challenges properly. The topic of the last weekend of the postgraduate studies was “Trends on the job market and managing your own development”.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the tenth weekend
What shows up in Google when you type in your name? Whether you are aware of it or not – you have your own personal brand. The question is: do you get a second chance at a first impression? Additionally, ask yourself: do you want your online reputation to live life of its own? Or maybe it’s worth controlling the narrative? With the proliferation of social media and the development of technology, it is extremely important to adopt a personal branding strategy – Personal Branding has never been so important. But how do you build it consciously? This question was answered by Anna Zadrożna and Anna Mady during the tenth weekend of Career Advisory postgraduate studies.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the ninth weekend
“Please tell us something about yourself”, “What is your greatest success?”, “How do you handle a stressful situation?”, “What is your biggest failure? What did you learn from it?”, “Why should we hire you?”. These are standard recruitment questions that can be difficult to answer.
Additionally, nowadays, most of the interviews take place online and besides preparing the content, candidates have to prepare the visual part as well – i.e. they need to have a stable Internet connection, good lighting, quiet space, etc. Up to 90% of candidates do not prepare beforehand – they just go with the flow. They don’t read about the company or industry, nor even the content of the job ad they applied to; they don’t know who the person they are meeting is.
During the 9th weekend of our postgraduate studies, Career Advisory, we discussed preparing the client for various types of job interviews.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the eighth weekend
“I have contacted 40 companies directly. 5 replied, and I spoke with 2 on the phone and on Skype. After 7 days, I sent a follow-up email to the ones that hadn’t responded. After another 3 days, I sent them invites on LinkedIn. Additionally, I have contacted 1 alternative decision maker. The result: silence”. Career Consultants are often approached by frustrated candidates who are unaware of what they are doing wrong and why their search is unsuccessful. On top of that, the candidates find their years of experience and age to be the reasons for their failures. The key to success lies in the strategy and the active use of modern job search channels: networking, contacting headhunters, and direct application. This was the topic of the eighth weekend.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the seventh weekend
Algorithms, automated recruitment processes, ATSs and bots constitute the everyday life of every candidate in the dynamically changing job market. A professional Career Consultant should be confident in this reality, as they must be aware of the digital trends and tools in order to be able to advise well and guide the client towards effectively achieving their goal. The seventh meeting of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies was dedicated to preparing an effective CV for ATS and to online image.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the sixth weekend
What are your strengths from the employer’s point of view? Why should a decision-maker devote 15 minutes of their time to you even though their company is not currently conducting a recruitment process? Will they see what makes you unique after taking a look at your CV? Why should they choose you out of so many candidates? These are the client challenges that every career consultant faces on a daily basis. The sixth meeting of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies was about preparing an effective CV for humans and a LinkedIn profile for job searching.
Job Hunting Report 2023
In 2023, we strengthened our leading position in the career consultancy world, thanks to our returning clients’ trust and numerous referrals. This year presented challenges for our clients arising from the economic crisis affecting every industry. We assisted them by helping them find new jobs through outplacement programs, and in building fresh career paths through up-skilling and re-skilling efforts.
Our dedication extended beyond consultancy as we shared our knowledge of career advisory, earning recognition from HR departments that sought out our expertise to establish in-house career advisory centers. We also delivered open-format trainings for future Career Advisors, supported G/E/MBA students, and secured major consulting and CSR projects.
Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fifth weekend
“I am looking for a job in an area where I have no experience. How long might such a process take?”, “I am looking for a job consistent with my experience, but outside my current industry. How can I stand out among candidates who know the industry?”. These are challenges that candidates often encounter in the dynamically changing job market. During 5th meeting of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies, the following issues were discussed: assessment of career goals in the context of market realities and dynamics, and services within the organization, including outplacement.