Free session for experienced managers & executives in Europe who are currently looking for a job (or getting ready for it): “Manager, executive – what next? Career management“.
How did you get to where you are career-wise today? How much was it by accident? How much was planned? Is there an underlying pattern that you follow subconsciously? And how come some change jobs often, some not at all, and some keep thinking about starting their own business? How come some are on clear executive tracks, while some struggle to get ahead – yet others don’t even desire a linear career path?
There’s a science behind that and over 40 years of research of over a million career paths that give us clear hints on how to think (and feel) about career – as a whole and our own.
Don’t we all want a fulfilling career? But how do we get there?
During this interactive meeting, we’ll explain:
– the different perspectives (heart vs. mind)
– how to address and deal with potential discrepancies
– how to identify your own career profile and needs
– how to identify potential mismatches (red flags!) between candidates and future employers
– job crafting and life / career design
Think of this session as of an actual meeting, as there will be several opportunities to network. Be ready to fully engage & contribute. If you plan on passively listening, this is not for you. Everybody is expected to engage.
Date: December 5, 2023
17:45-18:00 arrival & networking round
Important: participants arriving after 18:00 will not be let in. No exceptions.
18:00-18:35 theory & cases
18:35-18:50 networking #2
18:50-19:00 Q&A
19:00-19:15 networking #3
Would you like to participate? Do the following:
1) Download & sign this application form by November 28 at 12:00 pm CET
2) Send it with your CV by email to
3) Wait for a phone call from our Community Manager to verify your application
Important: To ensure the safety and comfort of everybody, all participants – without exception – have to submit the signed application form and be verified by our team. Only verified applicants will receive dial-in details.