Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fourth weekend

Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fourth meeting

Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fourth weekend

“I have 20 years of experience and I don’t know what to do with myself“, “I’m over 40 and I wonder whether to start a company or look for a job in a corporation”, “I’m confused“… these are frequent statements of clients that a Career Consultant can meet with every day. During the 4th weekend of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies, we discussed tools which are used to diagnose the client’s potential and set a career goal.

Identification and definition of career goal in practice

Both days of the forth weekend were focused on the “Identification and definition of career goal in practice” topic. The first day was led by Anna Zadrożna, who talked about a common problem of clients who seek help from a Career Consultant because “they don’t know what to do next with themselves“. As a warm-up, Ania, together with the students, developed solutions to the expectations of clients who don’t know what their career should look like. The next step was a discussion about:

  • The 5-step Program
  • Starting with a vision of the end
  • The Circle of Life
  • Success Stories
  • The STAR Method
  • The competence matrix

On that day, a guest speech was made by a Marketing Director with over 10 years of international experience, who also used the services of a Career Consultant himself and spoke openly about his expectations for this type of service from the client’s point of view. He also shared with the students how he achieved his professional goal.

The host on the second day of the forth weekend was Sandra Bichl, who also discussed tools that support the identification of a client’s career path goal. The day started with an observation and detailed analysis of the “Parameter Bidding” session. The “Parameter Bidding” method helps with identifying / defining more precisely what the client would / should “do next with himself”. This tool is particularly valuable if the customer has a “Good News, Bad News” profile (Career View / Decision Dynamics) or a so-called “confused head”.

On this day, another special guest – CFO with over 20 years of international experience – shared his experience in cooperating with Career Consultant and answered the following questions:

  • What expectations did he have? And what did he receive?
  • How did his return to the job market in Poland look like? In what way did the Career Consultant help him?
  • How did the cooperation in career advisory help him in the following years, especially since he started his own company?

Reflections after the 4th weekend

“This convention made me even more aware of how important it is to know the so-called “toolbox”, to properly support and help clients with achieving their career goals.”
“The “5-step Program” presented at the convention is a great tool to find a goal with a client who does not know what to do with himself next.”
“I became even more aware of the fact that clients expect different solutions, even if they have a similar goal.”
“The Parameter Bidding method is a very difficult tool and requires special focus from the Career Consultant.”
“When working with a client, knowledge, humility, and a sense of responsibility are essential.”
“The participation of the special guest who shared his perspective was very inspiring.”
“The “client cases” are great. We discuss real situations that can happen to everyone. And I am very happy that at the forth weekend we are partly ready to solve certain cases ourselves.”

We will keep you informed about our students as well as the progress of our studies.
The enrollment for the 2022/2023 academic year has opened:

PS. read more about the other meetings:

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