Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fourth weekend

Career Advisory postgraduate studies – after the fourth meeting

“I have 20 years of experience and I don’t know what to do with myself”, “I’m confused”, “I’m over 40 and I wonder whether to start a company or look for a job in a corporation”… these are frequent statements of clients that a Career Consultant encounters every day. During the 4th meeting of the Career Advisory postgraduate studies, we discussed tools that are used to diagnose the client’s potential and set a career goal.

Identifying and defining goals of career paths in practice

Both days of the fourth meeting were focused on the topic of “Identifying and defining goals of career paths in practice”. The first day was led by Anna Zadrożna who talked about a common problem of clients who seek help from a Career Consultant because “they don’t know what to do with themselves next”. As a warm-up, Anna and the students developed solutions to the expectations of clients who don’t know what their careers should look like. The next step was discussing various tools/programs and methods, incl.:

  • The 5-step Program
  • The “Begin with the end in mind” approach
  • The Circle of Life
  • Success Stories
  • The STAR method
  • The competence matrix

On that day, a guest speech was delivered by a Marketing Director with over 10 years of international experience, who had used the services of a Career Consultant themselves, and spoke openly about their expectations toward this type of service from the client’s point of view. They also shared with the students how they managed to achieve their professional goal.

The second day was hosted by Sandra Bichl who also discussed tools that support identifying a client’s career path goal. The day started with observing the detailed analysis of the “Parameter Bidding” session. The “Parameter Bidding” method helps identify / precisely define what the client could or should do next. This tool is particularly valuable if the client has a “Good News, Bad News” profile (Career View / Decision Dynamics).

On that day, a Head of UX and a former Career Angels client made a guest appearance. They shared their perspective on cooperating with a Career Consultant during a very difficult time in their life. Moreover, they shared their initial expectation toward the cooperation with the advisor and what they ultimately received.

Reflections after the fourth meeting

“I found the special guest to be very inspiring, and they presented an interesting point of view
“This was the first time I’d seen the circle of life discussed in a career context – it was very interesting”
“I appreciate the opportunity to gain first-hand experience with these tools”
STAR made me understand that events that may seem trivial to us can be interpreted as a success by someone else”
“I really enjoyed the fact that specific tools were presented during the meeting with detailed explanations
“I’m glad that I could learn about these new tools – I hadn’t heard of Parameter Bidding or the 5-Step-Program before”
“I think that Parameter Bidding is a wonderful tool as it allows you to perfectly separate what you think from what is real!”
“It’s important to put yourself in the client’s shoes; if something is difficult for me, the client may also have a problem with it. By taking a practical approach and paying attention to these obstacles, I can become a better Career Consultant”
“This weekend passed very quickly, and the conversation with our guests were a very valuable experience!”
“I’ve learned that after conducting the Parameter Bidding process, it’s important to remember to do a debrief, which ensures that I have understood everything correctly”
“It was very revealing for me to realize how different other people’s ideas about the ‘ideal job’ can be compared to our own perspective”
“I found it especially important to be careful when a client has similar parameters to our own when using Parameter Bidding so as not to assume we know what the client means”

We will keep you informed about the progress of our students and the studies.

PS Read more about the first, second, third, fifth, sixth and seventh meetings.

PPS Are you interested in this field and you don’t want to wait for the next edition? Follow information about our courses – including in-house – on this page: certified-konsultantem-kariery/