Best of 2020: Free & high-quality resources for your career management and job search

We know that times are difficult. We know that not everyone can afford to pay for support. That’s why we decided to offer many, many, many of our resources entirely, completely for free! Because at the end of the day – we are Angels who want to help! One of the examples: we’ve organized approx. 200 sessions with our network of coaches for professionals who felt overwhelmed with the pandemic – especially at the beginning.

Here are the links – feel free to share them!

Open Webinars – a series of 4 modules (each in Polish & English) explaining how to effectively look for a job in CV-19 times

Career Angels on YouTube

Career Angels on LinkedIn – updated daily!

Career Angels on Facebook – updated daily!

Career Angels on Slideshare

Market Signals Showcase on LinkedIn – weekly & daily reports of changes on the job market

Career Angels Blog

Free Materials on Career Angels website

Almost for free: thanks to the overwhelmingly positive feedback during and after the webinars, we decided to produce a course on Udemy that we’ve recently published. We chose the cheapest possible price category to make it as accessible as possible:
Udemy course: Every step of the job search process explained – backed by research!

If you want to help us help others, please donate via PayPal or credit card:

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