Obecne nastawienie pracowników w liczbach

Jak pracownicy czują się w dzisiejszych czasach? Czego tak naprawdę oczekują od swojej pracy? Jakie są najważniejsze czynniki kierujące ich wyborami zawodowymi? Dlaczego decydują się na odejście z pracy?

Według raportu Monster 2022:

1) najważniejszymi czynnikami wpływającymi na wybory zawodowe są:

  • wynagrodzenie (50%)
  • poczucie sensu (42%)
  • bezpieczne otoczenie (35%)

2) kandydaci pragną stanowisk z:

  • godziwym wynagrodzeniem
  • bonusami finansowymi
  • opieką zdrowotną
  • elastycznym grafikiem pracy
  • płatnym urlopem

3) starsi kandydaci częściej koncentrują się na:

  • wynagrodzeniu
  • bezpiecznym otoczeniu
  • miejscu pracy, w którym mogą zawierać znajomości z ludźmi

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Current employee mood in numbers

How do employees feel these days? What do they really want from their jobs? What are the most important factors driving career choices? Why do they leave their jobs?

According to the Monster 2022 report:

The most important factors driving career choices are:

  • compensation (50%)
  • meaningful work (42%)
  • safe environment (35%)

Candidates want jobs with:

  • salary protection / fair compensation
  • financial compensation beyond salary
  • healthcare benefits
  • flexible work schedules
  • paid time-off

Older job seekers are more likely to focus on:

  • compensation
  • safe environment
  • a workplace in which they can connect with people

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Naturalne chwile frustracji, kryzysu i/lub refleksji w Twojej karierze

Czy chwile kryzysu, zwątpienia lub refleksji są normą w karierze każdego człowieka? Tak! Co więcej, niektórych z nich można się nawet spodziewać. Niezależnie od tych kluczowych momentów, badania pokazują, że istnieją wewnętrzne (!) preferencje i wzorce kariery; pomimo tego, 60% z nas podąża za karierą, która nie jest tą najbardziej pożądaną!

Fakt ten już sam w sobie generuje frustracje, problemy i wyzwania, nie wspominając o 4 “naturalnych” okresach zwątpienia.

Jeśli chciałbyś dowiedzieć się więcej o tych kształtujących nasze życie momentach, obejrzyj naszą prezentację:

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Natural moments of frustration, crisis and/or reflection in your career

Are moments of crisis or reflection normal in everybody’s career? Yes! And there are several that can even be expected! Irrespective of these key moments, research shows that there are intrinsic (!) career preferences and patterns, yet 60% of us are aiming at / pursuing careers that are not the most engaging to us!

That itself already generates frustrations, problems and challenges on top of the “4 normal” reflection moments.

If you want to know more about these life-changing moments, have a look at our slides:

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Autumn is here!

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Autumn is here! It’s one of the best moments of the year to be looking for a job.

If you are an experienced manager based in Europe who would like to focus on preparing for their job search, contact us for a confidential & free career consultation.

Email your CV & availability to Bichl.Sandra@CareerAngels.eu who will match you with one of our experienced consultants. Subject: Autumn.

If this doesn’t apply to you, but you think somebody could benefit from it, please like and share or forward.


Don’t be afraid of searching for a job

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Does searching for a job seem scary to you? If you are an experienced manager or executive based in Europe, contact us for a confidential, non-binding career consultation – free of charge. We will walk you through every step of your job search.

Email your CV and availability to Bichl.Sandra@CareerAngels.eu who will match you with one of our experienced consultants. Subject: Autumn.

If this doesn’t apply to you, but you think somebody could benefit from it, please like and share or forward.

Autumn is the best time to look for a job

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

The beginning of autumn is one of the best moments to look for a job. Everybody’s back from their summer vacation: back to work, but also back to recruiting! It’s the perfect time to update your CV and send it out.

Need help with the CV update? Would you like to discuss what “send it out” means in your situation? Contact us for a confidential and free career consultation. Email your CV and availability to Bichl.Sandra@CareerAngels.eu who will match you with one of our experienced consultants. Subject: Autumn.

If this doesn’t apply to you, but you think somebody could benefit from it, please like and share or forward.

Autumn is coming!

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

The weather may still be good, but there is no denying it – autumn is coming. As the landscape around us becomes more and more colourful, it is good to think about kick-starting your job search. That way, you may be able to start a new job early next year!

If you are an experienced manager based in Europe, contact us for a confidential career consultation – free of charge.

Email your CV and availability to Bichl.Sandra@CareerAngels.eu who will match you with one of our experienced consultants. Subject: Autumn.

If this doesn’t apply to you, but you think somebody could benefit from it, please like and share or forward.

Summer = Job search

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Does summer = beaches, sun, holidays? Usually, yes, but this summer = job search? Why not!

If you are an experienced manager / executive based in Europe, let us help you find you a job you love… or at least like :) Contact us for a confidential career consultation. Completely free of charge!

Email your CV & availability to Bichl.Sandra@CareerAngels.eu – we will match you with one of our experienced consultants. Subject: Summer.

If this doesn’t apply to you, but you think somebody could benefit from it, please like and share or forward.

Summer is here

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Job Search Strategy for an experienced manager

Summer is here! It’s time to (re)start your job search, especially if you are an experienced manager who wants to start a new job at the beginning of 2023!

Would you like to discuss your job search strategy? Contact us for a confidential & free career consultation. Email your CV and availability for a call directly to Bichl.Sandra@CareerAngels.eu. Subject: Summer is here.

If this doesn’t apply to you, but you think somebody could benefit from it, please like and share or forward.