The current job market is an ever-changing competitive environment. There are more start-ups and innovations than ever before which results in increased job insecurity, but also completely new opportunities. Though some still might think “I don’t have to worry about it, my job is stable and I won’t get fired”. Just think about all the international corporations who choose Shared Service Centers or go through deep restructuring by e.g. flattening their hierarchy. It effects all of us. Sooner or later. Expectedly and sometimes out of the blue.
In other words: be prepared. Always! How? The Linkedin Learning video series on career advises you to adopt a permanent “job hunting” mindset. Here’s the sneak peak of the content of the video we choose for this post:
Have a goal
Before you start, set up job hunting objectives:
- location
- commuting time
- company turnover
- position
- type of capital
- and many more
And, most importantly, decide how urgent your search is! You should consider not only what benefits a company could offer, but also what skills and strengths you bring to the table. Don’t look for just any job – you will be unhappy in the long term.
It is also worth keeping things organized – act according to a plan and keep track of companies you have already applied to (obligatory!). Take your time to create a competitive resume and a cover letter. Business social media profile such as Linkedin is a must! Make sure you are easy to find when typing your name in a search engine.
Career Angels tip: search your name the way you have it on your CV and/or email address. You’ll see if:
a) you are easily findable
b) your name is unique
If there are more than 10 or 15 name like your own, you might consider adding an initial or middle name for unique personal branding. Bonus: you might also come across old profiles that require immediate deletion. LinkedIn help will know how to do it.
It is not difficult to find job opportunities
You can use Google, LinkedIn or even subscribe to a newsletter to receive job posting notifications from your dream companies.
However, networking is still a very reliable way to get a new job especially since some jobs are posted only internally, so don’t neglect the importance of your contacts! You should tailor every resume and cover letter to the specific job offer. Make sure that those, along with your social media profiles, convey positivity and confidence, even when you were fired. If you want to switch industries, don’t be discouraged! It will require more work to fill in the potential gaps your CV may have, but it is not impossible.
Getting an offer
Finally, you close the deal. The first step is an interview, usually by phone or video. Just because it is a virtual interview doesn’t mean you should be unprepared or behave differently than at the physical interview. A friendly smile, professional outfit and behavior are essential.
Although finding a job may be stressful, don’t allow yourself to look nervous, since recruiters don’t like it. Having passed the interview stage, you negotiate your offer – it is both complex and simple at the same time. You want to make sure you know your “walk-away” point – your minimum expectation.
And last but not least, prepare before the start of each day – read the training materials, invite new colleagues for lunch or coffee and add them on LinkedIn.
To watch the entire video click here
The previous posts from the series included:
How many planes are in the sky?
Transitioning out of job
The basics of starting a job search
Figuring out the strategy
Are you thinking of career transition? Do you need someone to craft your personalised job hunting strategy? Would you like to talk confidentially to a Career Angel about it? Send an email to Bichl.Sandra (at) or click here. Please note: the Skype call of approx. 45 min is confidential, non-obligatory and free of charge.