Looking at our data, 12% of accepted job offers by our clients, experienced managers & executives, were generated from applying to job ads. Half of it stems from LinkedIn.
Everybody, irrespectively of their seniority, should apply these tips that have been shared by Jobbatical. Here some snippets:
First and foremost: read the job description carefully – in other words – understand your target market.
Tailor your experience and skills: adapt your CV to include only the relevant & be concrete.
One of our most favorite fragment, “Then proofread your CV thoroughly to ensure it looks polished and professional”. Why do we love it? Because we have yet to receive a CV that is perfect. Yes, it’s a challenge :)
To read the full article, click here.
How polished and professional is your CV? Wanna know? We can tell you. Just send an email to Bichl.Sandra (at) CareerAngels.eu or click here. Please note: the CV review is non-obligatory and free of charge.