From time to time we come across very useful job searching advice put together by organizations like BlueSteps. And we want to share that knowledge as it’s absolutely worth it.
This time their article: “4 Tips to Revitalize Your Executive Job Search” that gives tips on how to maintain high level of effectiveness when your job search process is taking a bit longer than you might have expected.
The advice can be summarized in one word “re-strategize”! Here are 2 highlights we thought were the most important ones:
Have you been looking for a job for some time and with a couple of minor assignments in the meantime? Do you find yourself “stacking” them on top of each other in your old CV without thinking if they are even relevant for finding your current dream job?
Take a deep breath and think: what message do I want my CV to convey? To quote Lisa Marsh, the author of the article: “take a holistic look at the document and the story it tells”.
Sometimes it is worth it to completely redesign your CV so that it tells the right story.
Personal brand
Have you ever googled yourself? If so, did you like what you found? In our digital era every trace you leave behind online builds up your personal brand.
Ask yourself:
– am I visible on the Internet?
– if so, is the information that can be found about me consistent and professional?
Use your online presence wisely: it can showcase your experience and increase your visibility to the right recruiters.
You can read more about this and more (including useful tips on how to optimize you LinkedIn profile and strategically use it to network) here.
And as the old saying goes: by perseverance the snail reached the ark! Don’t give up on your job hunting process and stick to a well-thought action plan at all times.
Do you feel that your job search needs a boost? Would you like to review it and identify areas of improvement? If so, send an email to Bichl.Sandra (at) and she’ll match you with the most appropriate Career Angel. Or click here. The conversation is confidential, non-obligatory and free of charge.