Based on our statistics we know that under the assumption that
- your CV is flawless & targeted
- you’ve drafted a well-written and “good” cover email
between 30-50% of recruiters and decision makers WILL reply to your (unsolicited) application.
What does “good” mean?
You can obviously read our previous materials as this post on the art of writing a cover email – however this time, we’d like to share one more angle.
Fast Company asked five recruiters which types of messages—via email and LinkedIn alike—make them reach for “delete”, and which ones they actually respond to. Here’s what they said:
Delete or ignore:
- Questions that five minutes of research can answer.
- Anything too generic.
- Anything that makes them look up basic info on you.
- … to read more, including on what actually works, read the original article here.
Do you happen to have a response rate lower than 30-50%? Do you want to consult the quality of your cover email? Audit your application process? Request to confidentially speak to one of our Career Angels during a free 45-min career consultation. To schedule one, simply click here or send an email to