A picture says more than…

In Poland, 75% of online profile pictures and those in CVs are disadvantageous. Choosing an appropriate photo for your business profile or CV is an element which is often omitted and underestimated by people who are looking for a job or for clients.

An inadequate photo, its low quality, an inappropriate outfit or background can spoil a perfectly written CV or a professionally prepared Internet profile. Although extreme cases such as party pictures or photos taken by yourself with your mobile phone should not happen, I often find them. I do see more and more photos which are quite proper and of good quality, yet, they do not attract the observer, they do not have that something that helps you communicate that you do care about your image and that you encourage others to get in touch with you.

So, how should an appropriate professional photo look like to build your professional branding on the Internet? Aside from the basic elements such adequate dress code, a well-selected place and background, and good quality, you should not forget about adapting the character of the photo to your position, industry and personality. A professional photo will not only supplement your business profile, but might also be one of the first factors that will help you to additionally invite the right target group.