We are known for sharing. Some say we share even too much. We are OK with that. This time we’ll take it even a step further!
We are organizing a training session:
– Day 1 for those who are interested in a sneak peak and would like to understand what career advisory for managers is about
– Day 2 goes into more technical details in terms of tools and cases.
Anybody who wants to stay after Day 1 can then and there decide to come back for Day 2.
After Day 2 we are offering a 7-module course via webinar for those who have decided that this is an actual career path for them or those who want to be better advisors / HR professionals / recruiters at candidate management than they already are.
You can freely pick and choose between the modules. Those who choose to do the full course will sit a final exam and will be certified by Career Angels.
For more information please download this pdf in Polish.
To sign up go here.
This course will be entirely in Polish. If you are interested in the English version, let us know. We’ll keep you posted.