Career Angels @ Strefa Zmian

Last weekend Career Angels had a chance to participate once again in a truly inspiring event “Strefa Zmian”.

Lecture #1
Sandra Bichl held a workshop “A good CV, being…? The art of creating application documents”.
The workshop was very practical as we worked on a CV that one of the participants agreed to share. This way we went through all the elements of a good CV structure, pointing out all mistakes & suggesting how to improve each section. All that with one goal in mind: to create a perfect CV that will secure lots of interviews.
The participants were engaged and wanted to know things like:

  • How do you write a good profile summary?
  • What contact details should be included?
  • Is adding a photo a good idea?
  • What should they do with “irrelevant” work experience or breaks?

Lecture #2
Anna Zadrożna and Izabela Michaliszyn held workshop on interviews: “An interview – what to say and how to say it to get a job”. The participants got a chance to ask the most niggling questions they had related to interviews, e.g.:

  • How do you present yourself professionally?
  • What is the proper interview dress code?
  • Should you always reveal your salary expectations?

…and how to answer the most tricky interview questions themselves, e.g.:

  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What are your 3 major strengths / weaknesses?
  • What is your motivation to join our company?

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Once again a BIG thank you goes to the organizers of the event: Jadwiga Korzeniewska from Laboratorium Zmieniacza & Igor Rotberg from Psychologia Współczesna.

Do you have any questions related to CVs and/or interviews? If yes, feel free to contact us and schedule a complimentary career consultation with one of our Career Angels.

Would you like to hire us as speakers? Need access to our know-how? Contact us at – we will be happy to discuss details.


Anna Zadrożna & Izabela Michaliszyn @ Strefa Zmian