A recruiters’ gut vs. automation, AI, data, analytics

Any candidate would like the recruitment process to be as impartial as possible, but as Alexander Pope once said: to err is human. And recruiters are no exception to that rule.

Here is what a Forbes article entitled “Data-Driven HR: How Big Data And Analytics Are Transforming Recruitment” has to say on the subject: “many HR professionals or hiring managers would probably admit that they make appointments based on gut feeling.

Disheartening though it may sound, the good news is that data and analytics are helping employers take the guesswork out of recruitment.

Not only that, but also the rise of people-first approach in recruitment makes the job search experience increasingly candidate-friendly. Here is a short summary of two valuable articles on the subject:


Employers in every industry are turning to data and analytics software to find the best candidates. This automated process helps HR teams streamline and automate their recruitment efforts and find the best person for any given job based on their skills, interests and actions.

Companies can also use data to analyze which channel of finding best talent provides the highest “return on investment”. Headhunters, social media campaigns, online job sites and LinkedIn searches: employers can optimize the way they use these channels to find better candidates faster.

Employer branding

A strong employer brand is immensely important to any company. However, it is not just about keeping the current employees satisfied. It is also (or maybe above all) about how attractive a company appears to outsiders.

Outsiders: in other words, candidates. Therefore, companies not only ask potential employees what they can bring to the table. They also lay out their offer.

According to a report published in Hexagonreserach.com:
55% of companies provide flexible working hours
47% of companies enable employees to work from home
42% of companies promote existing or new wellness programs

This is employer branding at its best from a candidate’s perspective. After all, skills and experience should be rewarded accordingly.

What does it mean for a job hunter? That there’s not much room forrandom guesses” in choosing employees. Which always works in favour of the best prepared candidates! In other words: being prepared has always been important – but now it’s more important than ever before.

The final hiring decision will always come down to a human”, but nowadays you first have to convince AI and then the human.

To learn more about the employer’s perspective on data in recruitment in the previously mentioned Forbes article go here.

To read about candidate-friendly HR trends go here and read the YourStory article, “5 ways HR has evolved in the last decade to put people first”.

Planning or actively pursuing the next move in your career? Prepared for both: AI and human? Would you like to talk confidentially to a Career Angel about it? Send an email to Bichl.Sandra (at) CareerAngels.eu or click here. Please note: Skype call of approx. 45 min is confidential, non-obligatory and free of charge.