#47 Oh Really? Udemy course

Udemy course

Udemy course

Career Angels has created an Udemy course to support job seekers in all four steps of their job search process.

The course is designed as a comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to the strategic planning of your job search, with an understanding of COVID-time market trends. If you don’t feel like putting the materials together on your own, sign up for our Udemy course: Every step of the job search explained – backed by research! (highest rated in its category!)

The course provides over 14 hours of content, as well as, downloadable resources about how to:
– set realistic goal setting
create CV for humans & ATS
– hack LinkedIn
– prepare for (online) interviews
…and much more.

Start the course now and make sure that you are well-prepared to enter the job market. Find more information here.