100 sessions / 30 min each / for free

This is an initiative of (career) consultants and coaches who proficiently work in English & are independent from each other. Why? Because everyone reacts differently to crisis situations and it is worth remembering that we are not alone. For who / when:
– You are afraid of losing your job.
– You want to prepare for potential changes on the market.
– You are already looking and it is not working.
– You want to prepare a solid Plan B.
– You need support with your CV / LinkedIn profile.
– You just want to talk about what is going on.

Here is a list of consultants / coaches with whom you can schedule a 30-minute session that is free of charge. Although everyone is rather a generalist, we are adding areas of specialization to make it easier:

Executives (DE, EN) or outplacement services
Sandra Bichl
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandrabichl/

Find your true potential: for 0-10 yrs of professional experience (EN, ES, PL)
Magdalena Grucza
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/magdalena-grucza-8226288a/
Contact via LinkedIn (send contact request with message)

Discover your purpose, CV review, career transition (EN)
Veena Joseph
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/veena-joseph/

IT professionals / expats & partners / academia & teachers / NGO sectors (EN, PT)
Natália Leal
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natalialealcoach/

Regional / global roles (EN, DK, RU, UA)
Valeria Lebedieva
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vallebedieva/

Career management, general support (EN, PL)
Ula Rapacka
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/urszula-rapacka/

Duo for international career couples (EN)
[support languages: DK, FR]

* Paul Vanderbroeck
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulvanderbroeck/
* Jannie Aasted Skov-Hansen
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jannieaastedskovhansen/

Topic: Expat transition, expats, expat partners (EN, GR)
Katia Vlachos
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katiavlachos/

For managers / professionals abroad (EN)
Louise Wiles
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/louisewiles/

For specialists / (top) managers  or outplacement (EN, PL, ES)
Małgorzata Wolska
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/malgorzatawolska/

For support in Polish, go here:

Important: You can book one free session per person / company.
Show respect: Your consultant will wait for 5 min. If you don’t show up, you lose the possibility of having a session with all remaining consultants.

Are you a (career) coach / consultant who wants to join this initiative? Send a message to Sandra.Bichl@CareerAngels.eu